scroll down to see individual vendor product offering for this week’s market
Hello MP Market Goers!
It’s going to be a busy weekend in Point! Cornish Fest is in town as well as Taste of Mineral Point! Both events are guaranteed to have something for everyone. But before you head to those events, don’t forget to head up to Water Tower Park and shop the market!
Market season is winding down and as the season goes on, more and more items begin to sell out. Marr’s has let us know that their bratwurst selection is dwindling, Shooting Star Farm’s tomato selection is down to romas, and Grandview Garlic Farm has sold out of several varieties. So don’t let a market day go by without thinking of the approaching WINTER. Keep winter cheery and not dreary by stocking up on all the things you love from the Mineral Point Market.
Here is a partial list of items at this week’s market:
Beef, Pork, Bacon, Chicken, Eggs, Cheese, Artisan Breads, Coffee, Sweet and Savory Baked Goods, Roma Tomatoes, Onions, Leeks, Scallions, Assorted Winter Squash, Sweet & Hot Peppers, Eggplant, Carrots, Beets, Curly Kale, Celery, Kohlrabi, Lettuce Heads, Salad Mix, Dill, Cilantro, Thyme, Sage, Swiss Chard, Green Onions, Ginger, Garlic, Artisan Wood Products, Fresh Cut Flowers, Fall Annual Plants, Crocheted Afghans, Purses, & Blankets, and much more. Come and check it all out!
We look forward to seeing you this Saturday in Water Tower Park, Business Hwy 151 at Madison Street, Mineral Point! 8:30 to 11:00 a.m.
Kathy Bures
Mineral Point Market
Bures Berry Patch
Fall is upon us at the Patch and the farm is now open for fun, color, and flavor which unfortunately mean we again can not be at market this Saturday. But we’d love for you to come see us at the Patch! Just want Patch goodness? The farm store is open Monday-Wednesday 9-6p. What to enjoy ALL the fun? Our kiddie corn maze, free hayrides, and more are open Thursday-Sunday 10-5p. For more info, check out our Now in the Patch Page. Hope to see you in the Patch soon and be back at market sooner! Farmer Kathy and Farmer Ed
Cafe 43
Join us us for a season of great house-made breakfast wraps and sandwiches, fantastic coffee from @bff_poultry_co , plus house -made pastries and your favorite bread. Did we mention Shirley has once again graciously offered to make her cinnamon rolls ?!
Website –
Email –
Phone – 608.553.1367
The Cornish Baker
We are a mother and daughter baking team with Cornish Heritage specializing in Cornish Tea Biscuits, Figgyhobbin, Saffron Breads, Fruit Pies (hand size and 9” full size), Jumbo Sized Muffins and Jumbo Cinnamon Rolls.
We are blessed to be able to bake in house under Wisconsin’s Cookie Bill, and bring some of our Cornish and other baked goods to market. We have been baking for many years and have decided to share them with you!
Our Facebook page is @thecornishbaker. It’s a work in progress, but we would love for you to follow us as we add photos of our baked goods and what we will be offering at Saturday’s Market. Our first month at the Mineral Point Market has exceeded our expectations! Thank you for stopping by!
ALL of our pies are made with HOMEMADE Scratch fillings. This Saturday we will have: Door County Cherry, Maine Blueberry and Apple Hand Pies. 9” FULL SIZE Fruit Pies: Door County Cherry, Maine Blueberry, Local Orchard Apple, Pear & Cranberry w/Dutch topping, Fresh Market Peach (hoping to find some fresh locally), Ripe Raspberry and Pecan. We will also have select individual slices for purchase if you can’t eat a whole pie! 🍰
Everyone in Mineral Point can be Cornish this weekend during the Cornish Festival! Celebrate by trying our Cornish specialties of: Large Cornish Tea Biscuits, Cornish Saffron, Cornish Figgyhobbin and Cornish Clotted/Devonshire Cream! We’ll also have Assorted Jumbo Muffins, including Lemon Zest Blueberry, Coffee Infused Coffee Cake w/Toasted Pecans, Raspberry w/Ghirardelli White Chocolate AND back by popular demand…Whole Wheat Banana Chocolate Chip. We will also have individual AND pans of Homemade Jumbo Cinnamon Rolls w/icing. We may also have Homemade Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls w/icing and Baked Apple Cider Donuts dipped in melted sweet cream butter and then rolled in a sugar/autumn spice mixture! 🍁
We are looking forward to this special weekend in Mineral Point! Certain items sell out quickly or have limited amounts available. You can place a special order for a fresh pan of Cinnamon Rolls, Full Size Pie, Cornish Figgyhobbin Loaf (or individual slices) or Cornish Saffron Buns/Cake or Bread by emailing us at or Facebook message @thecornishbaker by Friday at 12:00 pm for Market day pickup. We hope to see you Saturday, rain or shine!
Farmers Daughter Bakery and Kitchen
We won’t see you at market this weekend, but watch for our list for next week!
Fripperies MP
We look forward to seeing you every week at the Market as long as it isn’t raining. We at FripperiesMP are delighted to be able to participate in this wonderful community activity but the weather takes its toll on our handcrafted utilitarian wooden products for the home such as cutting boards, pastry boards, pizza peels etc. as well as Paula’s knit scarves and blankets. If there will be rain in the area we will not set up. We welcome custom orders. For our complete line of products visit our Etsy store.
Phone: 920-279-0146
Etsy Store
Get Up Nation Microgreens
I am shutting down the indoor farm in Mineral Point due to another opportunity which has presented itself. Due to this I will no longer be able to be at market.
Grandview Garlic Farm
Hello, we will be at the market this Saturday Sept.. 24th. …. We are getting low on some varieties of Garlic. We will be bringing Georgian Fire, Romanian Red, Elephant, German Extra Harty, and Persian Star. Thanks Rob
Happy Hunter Farms
Hello market friends! We are happy to be back in MP this Saturday. We are winding down into fall, so we will have all of our soups, chili starters, and pasta sauce available. Think tomato soup & grilled cheese, a pot of chili, or a hearty pan of lasagna. Plus, we are stocked up on a few jams you might have missed last time. See y’all soon! Melissa, Ed, & Hunter
Hook’s Corner Greenhouse
We will be back at the Market this week with items for your fall garden.
James Pine Valley Farm
The daylight hours are getting less which tells us Fall is on its way. This week we will have our usual whole chicken packages, chicken heart and liver packages and neck packages, cheese varieties from Hooks Cheese Company with some new varieties and a few dozen eggs. See you on Saturday at Water Tower Park. Mary Jean, James Pine Valley Farm
King’s Hill Farm
King’s Hill Farm will be at market on Saturday with winter squash, eggplant, hot and sweet peppers, swiss chard, bunches of fresh herbs, kohlrabi, green onions, and a very limited amount of fresh ginger! The ginger will be sold in 1/2lb amounts. We hope to see you there! Best, Julia & Matt
Love & Hugs From Lauri
I’ll be at market this week, ready for fall weather. Do you need a soft warm blanket to cuddle up in…we have them and lots to choose from. Baby Afghans & hooded baby shawls for baby shower gifts, full-sized afghans, lap-covers and all things warm and cozy. We have Ponchos and shoulder bags great gifts for Birthdays or Graduations!
Also selling cotton-blend washcloths. Prices start at $4.99. Find me on Facebook, Love & Hugs From Lauri.
Marr’s Valley View Farms
It was good seeing everyone again last weekend. It’s going to cool down a bit by Saturday and nothing is better than a warm fresh breakfast made with foods produced by your neighbors, family or friends and purchased at ‘your’ local Farmers’ Market. If you are like us, you are a lover of weekend family breakfasts that include bacon, pork sausage or ham or perhaps all three – go ahead and pamper yourself a bit – you’re worth it!
Summer is showing signs of leaving us which means our bratwursts will be leaving soon too. We are sold out of a couple varieties and they won’t be back until 2023 so stock up this Saturday for the winter. In general these days, as soon as we get product in stock, it’s going right back out the door so it’s been difficult to keep everything on hand. To ensure that you can get what you want or are in need of a large quantity please place your order in advance on our website, and we will have it ready for you to pick up at the Market.
When you dine on Marr’s Valley View Farms meats, rest assured you are eating naturally lean meats – fresh beef and pork products direct from local farms to you. See you soon, all of us at Marr’s Valley View Farms.
Over the Moon Soap Co
Over The Moon Soap will not be at market the rest of the season.
Their Soap and Shampoo Bars are available by contacting Yvonne on her Facebook page, or by emailing
Orders can be picked up at their home in Dodgeville any time! And they also offer delivery on certain days to the city of MP and Dodgeville.
Watch for a separate Over The Moon Soap Facebook page with a list of the soaps available for purchase, and how to order.
Also watch for posts on the MP Community Page for updates on product and a list of Fall and Holiday Vendor events they will be attending.
Yvonne and Pat thank you for your continued support of Over The Moon Soaps and look forward to seeing you around the area.
The McIntyres
Scrappin’ With Joni
I will not be at Market this week. I will be joining my family to celebrate my niece’s upcoming wedding. Follow my Facebook page Scrappin with Joni to see some of the products I will have next time I’m at the market.
Shooting Star Farm
I will be at Market this weekend for some lovely, cool, fall weather. Stop by before Cornish Fest Festivities and the Taste of Mineral Point. Here’s what I hope to harvest for market: yellow onions, possibly shallots, leeks, scallions, delicata winter squash (more winter squash varieties coming soon), red and orange peppers, colorful bell peppers, shishito and jalapeno peppers, Italian and Japanese eggplant, carrots, red and gold beets, curly kale, celery, kohlrabi, lettuce heads, salad mix, dill, cilantro, thyme, and sage, but probably no basil. The temps this week might damage it, so we’ll see. I’ll have a smattering of tomatoes but mostly romas (sauce tomatoes) this week. Pre-order for Market pick-up here. See you Saturday!
Spensley Farm
Thank you to all of our customers that came out to the market. We are sorry that Saturday was our last in-person market for the season. The good news is that you can still order our seasonal menu via our website. We are happy to deliver to the 53565 area, or you can stop by the farm to pick it up. I’m already planning for the 2023 summer! Nicole & Steven Bujewski – Spensley Farm
Sweet Earth Garden and Vintage China
Hello friends, so happy about this cooler weather, so are the flowers. Sweet Earth Gardens will be at the market this week with beautiful Dahlias, Zinnias, Asters, Obedient plants, Cosmos, Gladiolas, Sunflowers, Status, Phlox, Hydrangeas and more. See you there. Barbara
Tippy Top Orchard
We look forward to seeing you this Saturday in Water Tower Park, Business Hwy 151 at Madison Street, Mineral Point! 8:30 to 11:00 a.m.