Scroll down to see individual vendor product offering and pre-order instructions for this week’s market
From near winter last week back to summer we go this week, gotta love Wisconsin! Want to win the market basket giveaway? Answer this question “which flavors do you like better? Spring and Summer flavors or Fall and Winter flavors?” To enter reply to this email with your answer or answer in our Facebook post.
Winner will be drawn Saturday evening, must be able to pickup winnings 10/17 at the Mineral Point Market in Water Tower Park.
Just 2 regular season markets left folks! We are however, working to extend the market season with a few extra dates so stay tuned. In the meantime though, not all of our vendors will stick around for the added dates so be sure to ask if now is the time to stock up or if you’ll have a few extra weeks.
With covid concerns continuing, please know that our vendors are doing their best to keep you and yours safe while attending market. Check out our covid safety measures to learn more. Don’t feel comfortable shopping the market? Many of our vendors offer the option to pre-order for curbside pickup. Scroll down to find vendor specific instructions for pre-ordering.
This market will stay a safe and healthy place to shop if we all take measures to protect each other. Remember, we’re producing for you and we’re in this together!
Here is a partial list of items at this week’s market:
Beef, Steaks, Pork, Poultry, Cheese, Eggs, Onions, Kohlrabi, Lettuce, Leeks, Shallots, Carrots, Celery, Kale, Peppers, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Fennel, Radishes, Basil, Honey Nut Squash, Tomatoes, Arugula, Salad Mix, Pumpkins & Gourds of every size and color, Delicata, Butternut, Acorn, & Spaghetti Squash, Sweet Bread, Scones, Muffins, Cupcakes, Cookies, Bars, Pies, Artisan Bread, Coffee, Breakfast Burritos, Sweet & Savory Baked Goods, Custom Wood Accessories, Honey, Sauces, Pickles, and much more. Come and check it all out!
We look forward to seeing you this Saturday in Water Tower Park, Business Hwy 151 at Madison Street, Mineral Point! 8:30 to 11:00 a.m.
Kathy Bures
Mineral Point Market
Aunt Kate’s Cookie Jar
“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” -Anne of Green Gables
Cookies will be:
Cookies will be:
*Apple Cider cookies
*Pumpkin Chocolate Chip(gluten-free)
*Monster Cookies
*Double Dark Chocolate
For my Cutout cookies I will have
Cinnamon sugar and Chocolate fudge!
*Mini packs
*Cookie Pops
*Single cutouts
Facebook message me for any Pre-orders Or email
Text or call me at 608-341-7083
Visit my Facebook page
Or website
Thanks & see you soon! Aunt Kate
Bures Berry Patch
It’s fall at the Patch and we’ve got all the colors that go with it! Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, even Black pumpkins to make your porch look sensational! We’ll be at market this Saturday with loads of great pumpkins as well as delicious acorn, spaghetti, butternut, and delicata squash, plus honey. We had 3 nights of frost here and the 3rd night did our raspberries in so they are no longer available, sad I know. Want to pre-order for curbside pickup? Our online store is open now for pre-orders. Can’t make it to market this week? Come visit us at the Patch! We’re open Thursday – Sunday from 10 am – 5 pm. At the Patch you can find fabulous pumpkins for decorations and some delicious squash for the dinner table. Bring the kids/grandkids with for an adventure! We’ve got free hayrides, a kiddie corn maze, and they can feed our chickens! They’ll love it! To learn more about what’s happening in the Patch check out our website, sign up for our newsletter, or follow us on Facebook. Hope to see you in the Patch or at market soon! Farmer Kathy and Farmer Ed
Cafe 43
Apples, Apples, Apples!
Pies, pastries, and cider all from the season’s tastiest treat! All of your café favorites will be on hand as well as Shirley’s surprises!
We look forward to seeing you! Order online at or see us at the booth on Saturday! Can’t make the market? Just let us know. We will gladly deliver any of our market offerings directly to your door. Thank you so much for all of your kindness and support! See you Saturday 🙂
Farmers Daughter Kitchen and Bakery
Hello everyone!
I don’t know about you, but I’ll certainly take this weather as our Indian Summer!
We’re combining the flavors of Fall with the favorites from this Summer. So here goes! Please have orders in by 3 p.m. Friday.
Scones: Bacon Apricot, Cheddar Onion Dill, Maple Butter, Apple Cinnamon
Muffins: Lemon Blueberry, Banana Chocolate Chip, Apple Cider
Bars and Treats: S’mores, Carmelitas, Apple Cheesecake, Cherry Coffeecake, Lemon Berry Coffecake, Orange Brownies
Breads: English Muffin Breads in: Apple Cranberry, Blueberry Wild Rice, Cinnamon Raisin, Plain and Caraway Dill
Sweet Rolls in: Classic Cinnamon, Apple Cinnamon, Lemon Blueberry and Savory Breakfast
We will also make Apple Cider Donuts by request. This will be the last week for them!
Scones, Muffins and Bars are $2 each, or 6/$10.
Muffin Breads are $5 per loaf.
Sweet Rolls are 3/$5, 6/$10, 9/$15, 12/$20. Please add $2 per package for Savory Breakfast Rolls.
Order by 3 p.m. Friday! See you all this weekend. Thank you for your business this year! We’ve got a lot of market left to offer!
We accept cash, check, PayPal or Square. Send us an email at, a text at 608-214-3475, or leave us a note on our Facebook page. Thank you!
The Market has been great. We look forward to seeing you Saturday. Our personalized laser engraved and fine wood products are great for family and friends all year round. We manufacture cutting board, rulers, key fobs, note pads, pastry boards and samples of plaques are also available for custom orders. Also a lap table, floor table, hand knit scarves and small blankets. We take custom engraving orders on all of our products. Contact us at:
James’ Pine Valley Farm
Wow! What a wonderful weather week. Hope everyone has a chance a to enjoy it.
This week we are offering our usual items using pre-order and in person pickup the day of the market. We will also have a few extra items available for direct purchase at the market. We can use egg cartons anytime so if you have some on hand bring them to the market. We would be very glad to get them. Our separate frozen chicken packages include whole, half, leg/thigh packages or breast packages. We will also have a few dozen farm fresh eggs and several varieties of Hooks cheese on hand including pepper jack, garlic dill jack, pesto jack, brick, baby swiss, bacon, mild and medium cheddar, colby, marble jack, smoked cheddar, parmesan, tomato basil, triple play, you half to be kidding, sheep and 2,4, and8 year and muenster. If your order includes cheese, please order by Thursday at 11:oo a.m. All other orders need to be in by Friday at 5:00 p.m. Email your order or questions to or call 608 987-2245 and leave a message and phone number. We will send you a confirmation email or give you a call with your total bill and directions on how to contact us the day of the market to pick up your products. We will be accepting only checks or exact cash. Enjoy the weather. See you on Saturday. Ralph and Mary Jean, James Pine Valley Farm
Magic Light Photography
I will not be at the market this weekend, but I do have my cards available at my home. If you would like to order cards for pick up or local delivery, please let me know. If you would like to look through my selection of cards, please feel free to contact me to arrange a time to come and look at them. Please feel free to contact me if you would like to purchase some cards or any of my photographic prints or services, including senior portraits!
Marr’s Valley View Farm
If you haven’t driven around to see the colors it’s a must do with the nice weather we have forecasted for this week. As always the Maples are our favorite and they are brilliant this year.
It’s still Oktoberfest time which means eating Bratwurst in Wisconsin is a must! We’re continuing our special pricing on our full line of Bratwurst including Andouille Sausages, in celebration of Oktoberfest. Pre-order to take advantage of this special pricing on these high quality, meaty, lean, flavorful Bratwurst and Andouille sausage.
It’s as easy as 1-2-3. Select your deal, place your pre-order, pickup Saturday morning at the Mineral Point Market:
– $1.00 off per lb. ($5.99) when you buy one to three packages.
– $2.00 off per lb. ($4.99) when you buy four or more packages.
Varieties available to select from are below:
Andouille Sausage; Bacon & Cheese Brat; Badger Brat; Classic Pork Brat; Hot Jalapeno & Cheese Brat; Mushroom & Swiss Brat
Fine Print – prices are charged by the pound. Package weights can range from slightly under a pound to slightly over a pound each.
This week we have the following Beef items available to pre-order – we are low on variety but will be restocked next week.
STEAKS – NY Strip, Porterhouse, T-Bone, Top Sirloin, Flat Iron, Skirt
ROASTS – Boneless Chuck, Bone In Chuck, Rolled Rump, Sirloin Tip
GROUND – Ground Beef Bulk, Ground Beef 1/3 Patties, Ground Chuck Bulk, Ground Round Bulk
MISCELLANEOUS – Soup Bone, Stew Meat, Heart, Liver, Tongue
SNACKS – Jerky Strips, Beef Sticks, Classic Garlic or Jalapeno Cheese Summer Sausage
This week we have the following Pork items available to pre-order:
BRATWURST – See Special Pricing Offered Above
Andouille, Bacon & Cheese, Badger Red Pepper Flakes & Swiss, Classic Pork, Hot Jalapeno & Cheese, Mushroom Swiss
CHOPS – Bone-In Only, Boneless Butterflied
ROASTS – Bone In Shoulder
STEAKS – Pork Shoulder Steaks
RIBS – Baby Back Ribs (limited availability), Spare Ribs
HAM – Boneless Ham Quarters, Bone-In Ham (only 3 left!)
GROUND – Unseasoned Ground Pork Bulk
SAUSAGE – Breakfast Bulk & Links, Chorizo Bulk, Hot Italian Bulk, Mild Italian Bulk
MISCELLANEOUS – Liver, Smoked Jowl
Place your order by noon on Friday to allow us time to process it, of course the earlier the better no need to wait until Friday.
* e-mail your order to Mike at or message us on Facebook at Marr’s Valley View Farms and CSA;
* specify product name and desired quantity of packages – example: 1 package of Bone In Pork Chops;
* if you want a specific product size say so – 2.5 to 3 lb. Boneless Chuck Roast – otherwise we will pick for you;
* provide a phone number where you can be reached for questions;
* payment is by check only made out to Valley View Farms;
* we will e-mail or message your order total Friday night by 10:00 p.m. so you can have your check ready at pickup;
* we will set up by the curb below the visitors center – you can drive/walk up and pick up your order and drop off your check for a quick transaction.
NOTE: Please only purchase what you truly need, more is coming, we promise.
We are offering pick-up of our Meat CSA at market again this year. E-mail us at for details and how to sign up for your share(s).
See you soon – stay safe. – All of us at Marr’s Valley View Farms
Over the Moon Soap Co.
We will be back this week.
If you haven’t tried our Goat’s Milk and Shea Butter soap with quality oils, we invite you to try a bar and see what really good soap with no additives can do for you and your skin!
We have 12 + scents – everything from Lavenders to Summery Fresh, Oatmeal and Honey, and “Earthy” scents that are loved by both men and women.
You may Pre-Order by emailing us at; call or text us at 608-574-5458; or purchase at our booth next Saturday at Market. We accept cash, local check, or we can email an Invoice via PayPal.
We also offer porch pickup at our home in Dodgeville, and delivery to area towns by schedule.
If you would like us to send you a description of the soaps we carry, just let us know and we will email you.
Hope to see you Saturday!
Scrappin’ With Joni
I will not be at the Mineral Point Market this summer and look forward to returning next year. If you are in need of handmade cards, journals, notepads, or bookmarks you can email me at I can provide for a no contact pick up in Mineral Point or mail them to you.
Shooting Star Farm
Light frost here Monday morning did a bit of damage to a few weeds and some old bean and zucchini plants, but otherwise mainly spared everything else in the fields. This week looks to be pretty similar to last in terms of product. A few new items will include a French shallot/bottle onion cross called an eschalion, some very small kohlrabi, and possibly spinach (needs to grow…). Other than that, I’ll have small lettuce heads, leeks, yellow and red onions, shallots, carrots, celery, curly and Lacinato kale, mixed sweet peppers, a few hot peppers (jalapeno and Anaheim), green and red cabbage, purple cauliflower, fennel, red radishes, basil bunches (hopefully…), honey nut squash, a smattering of tomatoes, arugula, and some salad mix which will be heavy on the non-lettuce portion. If you’d like to pre-order for Market pick-up, you can do so here beginning at 6pm Wednesday evening. See you Saturday!
If you’d like to pre-order for Saturday Market pick-up, you can do so here. Click on the “order for pick-up or delivery” tab. Ordering is open from 6pm Wednesday through 7pm Thursday. See you Saturday!
Sunny Side Down
We are taking some much-needed time off after this weekend from all markets and will likely not be at the Mineral Point market the rest of October. Thank you so much for all your support and to everyone who has supported the market during these strange times. We will continue to offer pick-up and delivery for our products every weekend during late fall and all winter. Keep watching our facebook page or email us at and we will happily deliver in the area.
Sweet Early Garden & Vintage China
What a beautiful Fall we are enjoying. Flowers escaped 3 nights of 33 degrees with only slight damage. We will be at the market this week with Angelonia, Gerberas, Dahlias, Zinnias, Cone Flowers, Gladiolas, Verbena and more. See you Saturday and be safe and enjoy this beautiful weather.
Two Onion Farm
Hello! Juli is excited to join Mineral Point Farmers’ Market with delicious organic apples, applesauce and apple butter. Juli will be at the market 4 times this fall: 8/29, 9/12, 9/26 and 10/10. Our farm is 10 minutes from the market by Belmont. Our apple varieties offer diverse flavors and textures that you won’t find in the supermarket. We’ve selected these varieties because they taste great and because they are naturally resistant to diseases. Our applesauce and apple butter are cooked from organic apples grown in our orchard and seasoned gently with spices. We add no sugar. Our apple butter is delicious served with cheese and crackers or spread on toast, bread, and pancakes. Do you like to make your own applesauce? We have slightly-blemished apples for sale at a discounted price ($1.45/lb for orders up to 100 lbs; $1.25/lb for 100-250 lbs, $1.05/lb for 250+ lbs). These are perfect for baking, making applesauce, drying, or juicing. Email to place an order in 5# increments. Juli will be at the market 4 times this fall: 8/29, 9/12, 9/26 and 10/10. Please specify the date you’d like to pick up the processing apples. Visit our website to learn more about us!
Unconfirmed Vendors:
Happy Harbor Tees
Reilly’s Grandview Garlic Farm
We look forward to seeing you this Saturday in Water Tower Park, Business Hwy 151 at Madison Street, Mineral Point! 8:30 to 11:00 a.m.